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Dr. Kordestani is on sabbatical at the University of Louisville in Kentucky doing microsurgery, hand transplantation, and hand reconstruction until August 2025.
The practice is currently not taking new patients. Thank you for being so understanding.
Dr. Kordestani
What We Do

Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery


Various breast surgery options, including breast lift surgery, breast augmentation procedures, and breast reduction.

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Feel great about your shape again! We provide a range of body procedures, including tummy tucks and thigh lifts.

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Dr. Kordestani offers facelifts and other cosmetic procedures, such as those affecting eyelids, ears, and the nose.

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Mommy Makeover

A Mommy Makeover is when we get the chance to not only do a tummy tuck but also to do breast implants at the same time.

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Don’t let the look of aging skin get you down. We offer anti-aging treatments including BOTOX and chemical peels, to address these areas of concern.

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Your Experienced Texas Panhandle Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Rouzbeh Kordestani is an extremely experienced plastic surgeon with many years of education. Our office delivers personalized service, including both surgical and nonsurgical treatment, to clients. We work hard to make sure you feel comfortable every step of the way. Not only can you expect attentive service when you visit our office, but you’ll also receive a customized treatment plan that is based entirely on your unique goals and circumstances.

Since Dr. Kordestani is a plastic surgeon, he is qualified to perform reconstructive surgery in addition to cosmetic procedures. This means that we can help patients with a wide spectrum of wants and needs. These can range from breast surgery to the reconstruction of tissue after a mastectomy, as well as laser treatments for younger-looking skin.

Dr. Kordestani is a former Chief Fellow from the University of Oklahoma Plastic Surgery Division; he has served as the Chief of Surgery at Northwest Texas Healthcare System, and was Associate Professor at the Department of Surgery at Texas Tech, among his many other positions and appointments. For a complete background, please take a look at the About Us page. If you have any additional questions about Dr. Kordestani and our many services, please give us a call.

Cosmetic and Reconstructive Services

Cosmetic and Reconstructive Services

We offer a large number of different cosmetic surgery options at our office in Texas Panhandle. We also provide nonsurgical treatments, such as BOTOX® and fillers for those who are interested in anti-aging treatments. Reconstructive surgical procedures offered by Dr Kordestani include body lifts and thigh lifts for people who have lost large amounts of weight, as well as breast surgery for cancer survivors. We are also proud to provide what we refer to as a “mommy makeover” for women to help address post-pregnancy body issues, such as sagging skin and breast shape.

Our motto? “Plastic is perfect!” We don’t go out of our way to advertise because we think our results speak for themselves. Our patients are pleased with the work we do.

The pages on our website provide much more detail as to all the procedures we offer, but for a quick look at the services we provide, take a moment to visit our Services page. From there you can navigate throughout the site to get a closer look at any procedures that interest you. Think of it as your table of contents!

Why Choose Us?

We believe that our practice is an outstanding choice if you are looking for a caring, experienced plastic surgeon in the Texas Panhandle area. Dr. Kordestani has been in practice since 2004 and has worked on over 8,000 cases over that time. When you visit our office, we treat you like family, and we make every effort to provide you with the kind of premium service that we would expect for ourselves.

The prices for our services are very competitive, we offer a $150 consult. To get started, simply pick up the phone and call or book an appointment through our website. We’re looking forward to meeting you!

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3501 S Soncy Road, Suite 126
Amarillo, TX 79119



Hours of Operation

Monday – Friday
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Affiliated With

3501 S Soncy Rd, Amarillo, TX 79119, USA